GET Healthy... STAY Healthy... NATURALLY!

Congratulations on taking the first steps toward gaining control of your weight and your health!

Have you struggled with your weight? Perhaps for a long time?
Or even, for most of your life?

  • You eat when you are not hungry

  • Often eat beyond fullness

  • Binge at night or when you are alone

  • Feel out of control or compulsive about food

  • Sneak eat

  • Use food for love, comfort, stress relief, distraction, etc…

  • Want to avoid feelings, escape, tune out with food

  • Find that diets have not worked for you in the long run

  • A perfectionist and all or nothing in your approach to dieting

  • A high achiever

  • Hard on yourself

  • Sensitive and perceptive, affected by the moods of others

You may also tend to be:

If any of this describes you, you're NOT alone.

Does this sound familiar?

With the hundreds of diets out there, how do you choose the best approach for YOU?

Before you try to make any changes to your habits, first you need to see where you are right now. Start keeping a record of what you eat each day and how much exercise you get.

Now most people say, “Why bother? I already know what I’m eating right now!” But you really don’t. Eating is something that we do every day without really paying any attention. Once you start writing it down, you may learn things you never knew about your habits. You could be drinking five pops a day and have no idea. Taking stock of where you are now gives you a sense of what needs to change.

The next step is really important. You have to make a long-term commitment. If you’re going to change your eating and exercise habits, you won’t be done after six weeks or six months or six years. You have to decide that you’re motivated to make changes that will last for the rest of your life.

I want to lose weight but have NO idea where to start...

Understanding WHY most diets FAIL

So why do diets fail? It’s a question that anyone who has struggled to shed some excess weight has pondered. When failure comes, people start to doubt their effort, their capabilities and their dedication to a weight loss program. They ask, “What did I do wrong?” and “Why can’t I have the body I want?”

The disappointment can be discouraging and sometimes even lead to worse eating and fitness habits than before. The good news is that all of these questions can be answered in a simple lesson:

The first mistake of most diet food plans is the ‘one size fits all’ philosophy. They take the nutrition and exercise habits of a healthy and fit person and attempt to transform overweight people with the same habits. This is why failure is so common!

Most diets fail because they aren’t specific for you!

Why HCG Diet Program succeeds where others fail?

Most people find that by using normal diets, even in combination with exercise, it is a chore to keep useless fats from reappearing. The constant battle of trying to produce energy may lead to diet protein drinks and spending more money just to keep from feeling fatigued and tired. The time tested HCG protocol lets you enjoy real foods and naturally induced energy while reaping the benefits of weight loss. Your excess fat stores will be released into the blood stream and eliminated without a tinge of hunger.

For many, believing and accepting the rapid weight loss that occurs with Phase 2 of the HCG Diet is perhaps the most difficult concept to understand in the HCG Diet. This isn't surprising, since we've all been taught to lose 1-2 pounds per week, then suddenly a diet claims to produce that type of weight loss every day!

Picture yourself loosening that belt several notches - dropping a couple of dress sizes or more within as little as 2 weeks - getting a second look by co-workers or questions from family who wonder how you're doing it!

Perhaps you exercise religiously and STILL cannot lose the weight? This program was made for you!

An Amazing Discovery by British Doctor in 1954.

What is this "miracle" weight-loss solution? The good news is that it's not your "will power" or motivation at fault. An area of your brain called the diencephalon, in combination with your hypothalamus, is responsible for those stubborn fat stores.

British physician Dr. ATW Simeons discovered that a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or "HCG", in combination with a specific healthy low calorie diet, grabs your extra fat deposits - no matter where it is stored - forcing it into the blood stream where it is burned as energy.

Dr. Simeons published his findings in 1954 in his book, "Pounds & Inches". Since that time, the success rate of Simeons HCG protocol for weight loss has been phenomenal.

Dr. Simeons' weight loss method is so effective that few changes have been made despite four decades of new knowledge, and only recently has received the attention it deserves. Losing 20 pounds over a 30 day course is common, and 40, 75, even 100+ pounds over multiple courses (we will explain how to do the diet multiple times).

The end result is that your "problem" fat storage areas begin to shrink. Not just the "easy" fat. Dr. Simeons' patients lost both pounds and inches!